How to add an internal comment or call log

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Add a comment

Comments can be used to save and share customer or case related information for later reference for your colleagues or yourself. In addition to that, the comments are also considered an important collaboration feature in Grasp as they allow for internal communication between team members.

Comments can be used to save and share customer or case related information with your colleagues. In addition to that, the comments are also considered an important collaboration feature in Grasp as they allow for internal communication between team members.

To create a comment, open a case and click on the comment button in left lower corner of the case panel. A yellow comment will then start to appear at the bottom of your case. Anything you write within the comment will be accessible for all team members that have the rights to access the case. Your client’s cannot see it’s content. In order to notify specific team members about your comment, you can tag them by using the @ symbol. A dropdown will then appear with a list of names of selectable team members.

Within comments, templates can be used to efficiently store information. Attachments can also be added to enrich the content. But there is more: with our AI button you can efficiently trim your texts and create summaries.

Log a call

Apart from comments, our system allows you to create call logs. Call logs serve to document phone conversations, enabling easy review by either you or your team members at a later time.

To create a call log, open a case and click on the call log button  located in the left corner of the case panel. This action prompts a green composition area to appear at the bottom of your case. Anything written within the call log is accessible only to your team members with the appropriate case access rights; clients cannot view its content. Similar to comments, you can tag colleagues, utilize message templates, and attach files within call logs.

To delete or edit a comment or call log, select the settings button within the internal note you wish to modify and choose “edit” or “delete”. Please note that deleted comments or call logs cannot be recovered.